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Soothing the Storm: Paced Feeding and Other Top Tips to Tame Colic in Babies

Bringing a new baby into the world is a joyous experience, but it can also be filled with challenges, especially when colic enters the picture. Colic is a common condition that affects many newborns, causing episodes of excessive crying and fussiness, often without an apparent reason. This can be incredibly stressful for both parents and their little ones. Fortunately, there are strategies that can help soothe colicky babies, and one of the most effective methods is paced feeding. Read on! We'll explore what colic is, why it happens, and how paced feeding can provide relief.

Understanding Colic

Colic is a term used to describe excessive crying and fussiness in babies, typically occurring in the late afternoon or evening and lasting for three or more hours a day, at least three days a week, for three weeks or more. The cause of colic is not well understood, and it can be frustrating for parents as they try to comfort their distressed baby. Newborns communicate through crying. When we can’t figure out how to sooth baby, or don’t know what the problem is, it can take its toll. Common signs of colic include:

  • Intense crying: Colicky babies often cry intensely and inconsolably, and their cries can be high-pitched and piercing.
  • Clenched fists and tense muscles: A colicky baby may appear stiff, with clenched fists and arched back.
  • Feeding difficulties: Colicky infants may have difficulties with feeding, such as frequent pauses and pulling away from the bottle or breast.
  • Sleep disturbances: Colic can disrupt a baby's sleep, making it challenging for both the baby and parents to get adequate rest.


What is the main cause of colic?

The exact cause of colic remains a subject of debate among researchers and healthcare professionals. Some theories suggest that colic may be related to gastrointestinal discomfort, while others believe it may be due to overstimulation or an immature nervous system. Regardless of the cause, parents are often left searching for ways to alleviate their baby's distress. Colic is a common condition that affects many infants, typically during the first few months of life. While the precise cause of colic is not fully understood, several theories have been proposed to explain why it occurs. Here are some of the main factors that may contribute to colic:

  1. Gastrointestinal Issues: Some researchers believe that colic may be related to gastrointestinal discomfort or sensitivity. Infants with colic may experience gas, abdominal pain, or other digestive issues, which can lead to fussiness and crying.
  2. Immature Digestive System: Newborns have developing digestive systems, and it's possible that colic is linked to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, making it more susceptible to discomfort.
  3. Overstimulation: Overstimulation from a baby's environment or excessive handling and activity may contribute to colic. Babies, especially in the early months of life, are still adjusting to the sensory stimulation of the world around them.
  4. Sensitivity to Allergens: Some infants may have allergies or sensitivities to certain components in breast milk or formula, and this can lead to discomfort and colic symptoms.
  5. Parental Stress: Research suggests that colicky behavior can be exacerbated by parental stress and anxiety. Crying babies can create a cycle of stress for both the infant and parents, potentially leading to longer episodes of colic.
  6. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes in both mother and baby, particularly in the first few weeks post-birth, may play a role in colic.

It's important to note that colic is a self-limiting condition, meaning it typically resolves on its own as the baby grows and their digestive system matures. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for colic, but parents can try various soothing techniques, such as paced feeding, gentle rocking and white noise to help alleviate their baby's discomfort and distress. If you're concerned about your baby's colic or need additional support, consult with your pediatrician, who can provide guidance and rule out any underlying health issues.


Colic can be a challenging condition for both babies and their parents, and while there is no guaranteed method to completely eliminate colic, there are several strategies and techniques that can help alleviate the symptoms and provide relief for both the baby and the parents. Here are some tips on how to manage and reduce colic:

  1. Paced Feeding: Paced feeding is a style of bottle feeding that slows down the pace that bay eats by propping up baby and feeding them with a bottle parallel to the floor. Check out the blog about paced feeding here to learn how! Paced feeding can help reduce the chances of your baby swallowing excess air during feedings, which can contribute to colic. It allows the baby to feed at their own pace, reducing the risk of gas and discomfort.
  2. Belly Time: Giving your baby some supervised "tummy time" during the day can help with gas and discomfort. Placing your baby on their tummy for short periods can aid in digestion and relieve pressure on their tummy.
  3. Gentle Massage: A gentle tummy massage in a clockwise direction can provide comfort and help move trapped gas through the digestive system. Be sure to use light pressure and consult with your pediatrician for guidance on proper techniques.
  4. White Noise and Soothing Sounds: Playing white noise or other soothing sounds can help create a calming environment for your baby. The sound of a fan, a gentle lullaby, or recordings of womb-like sounds can be effective.
  5. Motion: Gentle rocking or swinging can often soothe a colicky baby. You can use a rocking chair, a baby swing, or even go for a calming stroller ride to help ease their distress.
  6. Comfort Measures: Try different comfort measures, such as using a pacifier, offering a clean teething toy, or providing a soft, soothing blanket or lovey.
  7. Probiotics: Some studies suggest that probiotics may help with colic by promoting a healthier balance of gut bacteria. Consult with your pediatrician before using any supplements.
  8. Elimination Diet: If you are breastfeeding and suspect that colic may be related to a dietary factor, consider eliminating potential allergens from your diet. Consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.
  9. Parental Support: Colic can be incredibly stressful for parents. Make sure to take breaks when needed, ask for help from friends and family, and seek emotional support to help you cope with the challenges of colic.

It's important to remember that colic is usually a temporary condition that tends to improve as the baby's digestive system matures. If your baby's colic is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's essential to consult with your pediatrician. They can rule out any underlying medical issues and provide additional guidance and support.


Paced Feeding: A Soothing Solution

Paced feeding is a feeding method that can be particularly helpful in managing colic. This technique involves controlling the flow of milk during breastfeeding or bottle-feeding to mimic a more natural, breastfeeding-like experience.

Paced feeding offers several advantages in addressing colic:

  • Slower feeding pace: Paced feeding ensures that your baby takes time to feed at their own pace, reducing the likelihood of gulping and swallowing excess air, which can lead to discomfort.
  • Improved digestion: Slower feeding helps your baby's digestive system work more efficiently and minimizes the chances of gas and tummy discomfort that can contribute to colic.
  • Bonding time: Paced feeding encourages close contact and bonding between you and your baby, which can provide comfort and reassurance during feeding sessions.


How to Practice Paced Feeding

For a detailed guide, check out our paced feeding blog post!

To get started with paced feeding, follow these simple steps:

  1. Hold your baby in a semi-upright position, cradling them close to your body.
  2. Allow your baby to initiate feeding by showing hunger cues, such as rooting or mouthing.
  3. Offer the breast or bottle, but ensure it's not inserted too deeply into the baby's mouth.
  1. Let your baby suck and swallow at their own pace. Avoid rushing or encouraging them to finish quickly.
  2. Burp your baby frequently during and after the feeding session to release any trapped air.
  3. Pay attention to your baby's cues and allow them to stop feeding when they are satisfied.


Dealing with a colicky baby can be challenging, but paced feeding is a gentle and effective technique to help ease your little one's discomfort. By allowing your baby to feed at their own pace, you can reduce the risk of tummy troubles and provide a comforting, bonding experience. Remember, every baby is unique, so it may take time to find the best approach for your baby. Be patient, and consult with your pediatrician if colic persists or if you have concerns about your baby's well-being. With love, patience, and the right techniques, you can help your colicky baby find relief and comfort during this trying time.


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